Which Fuse Controls Check Engine Light (A Guide To Find & Remove Fuse)

Have you wondered which fuse Controls Check Engine light? The check engine light (CEL) will illuminate when it notices any issue with your emission control system. It produces a cipher that helps you in detecting any error found in your vehicle for easy rectification. Sometimes it may need you to manually reorganize the CEL after diagnosing it if the code refuses to go off automatically. 

However, what if the check engine light refuses to go off, what will you do? You can get this fixed by utilizing a code scanner. But you can’t do this for vehicles manufactured before 1996. Though you can still the issue by disconnecting the vehicle’s battery to reset the light for these types of vehicles.

Read This too: All About Toyota Rav4 Check Engine Light VSC Trac Off and VSC Lights 

Whenever your check engine light doesn’t go off after turning it on, then the fault could come from the car’s computer. In most cases, your vehicle’s computer system needs to be communicated that the problem has been rectified. But you may want to permanently disable the check engine light via the fuse so that the problem can be taken care of once and for all. But which fuse controls check engine light? Read on to find out more.

Which Fuse Controls Check Engine Light

In every vehicle, there’s a fuse for the ECU unit.

The only thing needed is to cut off the power supply to the ECU, and to do this, you have to pull out the fuse to cut off the power supply.

Doing this is like doing the same thing as disconnecting your vehicle’s battery but only for the ECU line, and not for the whole car.

Here is the procedure to take:

  1. Insert the key and turn on the ignition without cranking
  2. Locate the fuse for the ECU. You’ll find a recognizable icon, which will look like the check engine light.
  3. Now pull out the fuse and wait for a few minutes.
  4. Now turn the ignition off and then return the fuse in place.
  5. Next is to turn on the ignition and start the vehicle. Once done, ensure you allow the car to idle for some time so that the ECU will take new data.

Is There A Fuse For The Engine Management Light?

There’s no particular fuse for the engine management light, all vehicle fuses can be found in three fuse boxes. This is usually found in or around the instrument panel which is close to the dashboard. Note that fuses can also be found under the rear seat and the hood. To find the fuse panel in your car, you can look in your owner’s manual for help.

Causes Of Check Engine Light Fuse Toyota Camry

Whenever your check engine light turns on, the solution could be just to tighten or replace the gas cap. The illuminated check engine light could mean a warning over a risky problem that could cause major damage to the engine. It is normal for the check engine light to illuminate or blink, but a steady blinking simply means that something serious has happened, or is about to happen.

So in case, the check engine light is blinking in your Toyota Camry, I recommend not to drive the vehicle and schedule Toyota service immediately. Here are causes of check engine light fuse Toyota Camry:

1. Faulty Oxygen Sensor

A faulty Oxygen sensor is one of the common causes of the check engine lights. An oxygen sensor can be located in the emission control system of every vehicle and is placed on all cars manufactured after 1980. These sensors are used to make sure the engine is burning the right amount of fuel and performs well. The sensors work with the catalytic converter in your car to keep your emissions in check.

In the long use, the oxygen sensor can get clogged in oil ash. When this happens, it will minimize its ability to monitor your fuel system and the O2 mixture in your engine, and this will make it malfunction. Not only that, but it can also damage the air conditioning system of your car. 

Replacing the O2 sensor would be the only solution needed here, so you can do that on your own or take it to a mechanic. You’ll find instructions on your owner’s manual on how to replace an oxygen sensor yourself.

2. A Loose Or Faulty Gas Cap 

The check engine light can be illuminated due to a loose or faulty gas cap. In case you are not aware, a loose gas cap or a damaged gas cap can completely throw off your vehicle’s emissions systems. This is because your fuel vapors will leak out from the gas tank. When this happens, it can lead to decreased vehicle efficiency.

All that is needed is to fix the problem. You can just check your gas cap! Check if it’s loose. You can tighten it up, and see if you’re the check engine light is turned off!

However, in case your gas cap is damaged, it shouldn’t be a problem. Just go to a certified auto parts store, and you’ll find one to purchase and do the replacement.

3. Bad Catalytic Converter

Sometimes a bad catalytic converter can be responsible for reducing the emissions of your vehicle, as it converts carbon monoxide and other dangerous gases into harmless compounds. Many catalytic converters can be good for the entire lifetime of your car, while some are not.

Most times your catalytic converter is the source of the issues in your car. So whenever you’ve noticed any deteriorated fuel efficiency, decreased performance, and strange smells, then you may want to inspect your catalytic converter.

Catalytic converters aren’t cheap to fix. They can cost upwards of $2,000, and won’t be easy to replace yourself except you’re an experienced mechanic.

4. A bad Mass Airflow Sensor 

When you don’t service your vehicle’s air filter regularly, this can be risky for your mass airflow sensor. This is the sensor that helps your vehicle’s computer input the accurate amount of fuel into your engine, which increases efficiency and performance. 

So when your air filter doesn’t get replaced, the mass air-flow sensor can begin to malfunction and give out inaccurate information, which will lead to poor gas mileage, increased emissions, and car stalling. Make sure to replace your car’s air filter every year.

Fixing this issue isn’t expensive. A mass airflow sensor averagely costs about $200. But you should let a mechanic perform auto repairs for you. Doing this will ensure the new mass airflow sensor you’re replacing will last for a long time.

5. A Faulty Spark Plugs 

A good spark plug can last for about 75,000-200,000 kilometers, and this can depend on when your vehicle was manufactured. These spark plugs help to seal your combustion chamber and to ignite the fuel in your car’s engine.

When you have a bad or faulty spark plug, your check engine warning light will be illuminated, and you will surely feel some sensation whenever you try to accelerate your car.

As you already know, spark plugs are very cheap and easy to replace. Spark plugs can be purchased for as low as $10 apiece, and they can be replaced by yourself. If you don’t know how to, check out this handy video guide, and you’ll be able to handle it well.

               Which Fuse To Remove For Check Engine Light

Do you want to know which fuse to remove to check the engine light of your car? Below you will find the solution, but keep in mind that this should be the last resort for you. Make sure you don’t jump into these solutions before trying out fixing them.

The fuse to remove for check engine light is the ECU unit, which can be found in every vehicle.

Note that this can be done using an OBD code reader. To get it done, follow these simple procedures:

  1. The first thing to do is to connect the OBD code reader to your vehicle. After that, insert the key on and turn the ignition on. Just ensure you’re not starting the car.
  2. Next, turn off any frills your vehicle may have. Next, you’ll find a knob on your scanner which says read. Just press that, and it will inspect the codes for your check engine lights.
  3. After that, find the error codes by making use of the symbols you see. Next thing is to clear the codes by using the knob on your scanner. After that, turn off your ignition system and remove the scanner from your vehicle.
  4. Now you need to reset your vehicle by removing the negative battery cable. Once you do this, it’ll take off all the energy in your car’s capacitor.
  5. Make sure it is disconnected for about 15 minutes before reconnecting the battery again. After reconnecting the battery, all electrical systems of your car will be reset. 

Read this: How to Unlock a Steering Wheel Without Turning the Key

     How Do I Fix My Check Engine Light Not Working 

Whenever you notice that the check engine light is not coming on, you don’t have to worry about it. But if your dashboard used to display the check engine light some time ago and now it’s not working, then it means that the dashboard warning light could have burned out. However, if you’re sure that the dashboard light is working, then it means that the ECM could be faulty which is causing the light not to be working. 

To get it fixed, try to take off a sensor harness and check if the light will turn on. Once the light comes on, it means the system is working well. But if it doesn’t, you can then check the computer system for the sensor codes you unplug. Once there’s a code, and the MIL indicator displays ON, it simply means that the light is burned out. 

However, in case you try and it doesn’t work, then you should consult a professional mechanic for help.

Can A Blown Fuse Cause The Check Engine Light To Come On

Yes, it’s possible for any fuse that controls the emissions system that’s blown to cause a check engine light to come on. But not only that, other things can still cause the check engine light to come on and they include:

  1. A faulty airflow sensor 
  2. Bad or failing catalytic converter 
  3. Faulty oxygen sensor 
  4. Any battery or charging system that isn’t working
  5. A bad ignition coil system 
  6. A loose or damaged gas cap

Check Engine Light Not Working

Your check engine light happens to be one of the indicators that can be seen on the vehicle dashboard. The purpose of the check engine light is to illuminate whenever the car computer system detects an issue with the vehicle’s emissions or transmission system.

Sometimes the check engine light will shut off by itself if what made it trigger isn’t remedied. You need to ensure that the dashboard light is working, and if it is working, then it means that the ECM could be faulty which is causing the light not to be working. So I recommended you take the vehicle to a qualified mechanic.

Can You Turn Off The Engine Management Light?

Yes, it is possible to turn off the engine management light which can be done via the vehicle fuse box. This can be found in or around the instrument panel close to the dash, or under the rear seat and the hood. Consult your owner’s manual for help.

How To Bypass Check Engine Light For Remote Start

The best way to bypass the check engine light for a remote start is by disconnecting and reconnecting the battery. To do this, here are the procedures:

  1. Your engine hood should be opened and check the car’s battery.
  2. With a wrench, disconnect the positive cable of your car battery.
  3. Then wait for 15-minute so your car can settle for a while.
  4. Now insert your key into the ignition system and start it up three times. Once you do this, your onboard computer’s emissions records will reset immediately, which will then clear the check engine light.
  5. Now reconnect the battery positive cable
  6. Then start up your car again and allow it to idle for a minute or two and your check engine light will be gone.

Please note this task will be done using a wrench from your car’s toolbox. 

How To Remove Check Engine Light Fuse

If you notice your check engine light is illuminated while driving, it means that your car has detected a problem in the emissions system. Here is the procedure on how to remove the check engine light fuse:

  1. First thing is to insert the key and turn on the ignition without cranking it
  2. Find the fuse for the ECU, it’s a recognizable icon and will look like the check engine light.
  3. Next, pull out the fuse and wait for a minute or two.
  4. Now turn the ignition off and then return the fuse in place.
  5. Then start the vehicle and allow the car to idle for a while so that the ECU will take new data.

Please don’t carry out these procedures on high-tech cars. This is because cutting off the power supply from the ECU may affect other components and may cause major issues. You can try these procedures on middle and lower-class cars.


Your vehicle’s check engine light is a good way for you to keep track of the problems in the engine without diagnosing the vehicle completely. However, the check engine light can be misleading sometimes. 

Whenever your check engine light comes on, you don’t need to get worked up. It doesn’t mean that your vehicle is completely bad, you can still drive it. All you need to get it fixed is an OBD2 scanning tool, which can be gotten for around $20 or less. 

You can also buy wireless OBD2 scanners which are great and can easily be connected effortlessly using a device such as Smartphone or tablet. But if you can’t get it done yourself, then you should consult a certified mechanic to rectify the problem immediately. 

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